Spreading the word! Spillover effects of a social norm informational campaign to promote a pro-environmental behavior
Design, implementation, and evaluation of a randomized field experiment to produce and measure effects on directly treated and spillover households of a normative informational campaign to promote reductions in residential water use in Colombia. Using a novel design that saturates the intensity of the exposure to the behavioral nudge. Funded by LACEEP, IDRC, Miniciencias Colombia and Los Andes University

Design of complex-based strategies to monitor water resources in Colombia
An applied multidisciplinary research aimed to design of complex-based strategies to monitor water resources of environmental protection agencies in Colombia. The system considered economic, spatial, and ecological dimensions to determine an optimal cost of monitoring and water resource management at a regional level. Funded by Corpocaldas.

What drives household’s pro-environmental behavior? Normative messages and water conservation
Evaluation of a set of intrinsic, extrinsic and social driven motivations to perform a pro-environmental behavior in the context of a randomized normative informational campaign in Colombia. Funded by LACEEP, IDRC, Miniciencias Colombia and Los Andes University

BASIC Cartagena
An applied and multidisciplinary research project on Basin Sea Interactions with Communities in the coastal zone of Cartagena, Colombia. I participated in designing strategies for adopting and developing community-based monitoring of water quality for human consumption using low-cost devices through economic experiments and diffusion workshops. In addition, I determined economic values for compensation schemes given the impact on coastal and marine ecosystem services. More info https://www.basic-cartagena.org

2023. Mixed methods for field research in social sciences. Master level course. Wageningen University & Research.
2019-2022. Biodiversity use and conservation systems. Master level course. Environmental and Rural Studies School. Pontifical Xavierian University.
2019. Economic instruments for environmental policy. Master level course. Environmental and Rural Studies School. Pontifical Xavierian University.
2011-2014. Evaluation social development projects. In School of Environmental Sciences. Technological University of Pereira